Friday, September 6, 2013

Compiling xilinx Simulation libraries for modelsim

2.2 Simulation Library Compilation Wizard
This method is highly recommended because library compilation can be performed for more
than one device family and/or language.
1. Open the Simulation Library Compilation Wizard. This can be accessed from Start
Menu!Programs!Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.x!ISE Design Tools!32-bit Tools.
Note: If you are using 64-bit version of ModelSim use the Simulation Library Compilation
Wizard from 64-bit Tools. ModelSim PE Student Version 10.x is only available in the
32-bit version.
2. The Select Simulator window opens up. Select the appropriate simulator (For Student
Edition select ModelSim PE), enter c:nmodeltech64 10.0cnwin64 for executable location,
compxlib.cfg for Compxlib Con guration File and compxlib.log for Compxlib Log File.
3. Next select the HDL used for simulation. If you are unsure select Both VHDL and Verilog.
However, this will increase the compilation time and the disk space required.
4. Then select all the device families that you will be working with. Again the more number
of devices, more the compilation time and the disk space required. Remember that you
can always run the compilation wizard at a later time for additional devices.
5. The next window is for Selecting libraries for Functional and Timing Simulation. Di erent
libraries are required for di erent types of simulation (behavioral, post-route, etc.). We
suggest that you select All Libraries as the default option. Interested users can refer to
Chapter 6 of the Xilinx Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide for additional information.
6. Finally the window for Output directory for compiled libraries is shown. We suggest to
leave the default values that Xilinx picks. Then select Launch Compile Process.
7. Be patient as the compilation can take a long time depending on the options that you
have chosen.
8. The compile process may have contain a lot of warnings but should be error-free. We
have not explored the reasons behind these warnings, but they do not appear to a ect
the simulation of any of our designs.
9. Once the process is completed, open c:nmodeltech64 10.0cnmodelsim.ini and verify if there
are libraries pointing to the output directory entered in step 6. This will happen only if
you have set the environment variables.
Library compilation is now complete. If you have not set the environment variables then
the wizard creates a modelsim.ini in the output directory entered in step 6. By default this
location is c:nXilinxn13.xnISE DSnISE. Open this le and verify that it contains the location of
the libraries that were just compiled. This le should be copied into every project you create.

Take a look at this PDF for more info.

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