Friday, October 25, 2013

Modifiying db files for epics, rebuilding and relaunching softioc

And here's the command history of what I used to edit and rebuild:
  224  cd /usr/local/epics/ioc/siocftdi/head/
  225  vi ftdiApp/Db/example1.db 
  226  make

When doing make the file gets copied over this folder
wenorum@ssd-sc-daq 217> ls -l ftdiApp/Db/example1.db db/example1.db 
-r--r--r-- 1 wenorum ssd 595 Oct  3 19:06 db/example1.db
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wenorum ssd 595 Oct  3 19:06 ftdiApp/Db/example1.db

Re-Run softioc
1011  cd /usr/local/epics/ioc/siocftdi
 1012  sh run
 1013  sh attach
 1014  sh attach
 1015  sh attach                                             to deattach = Ctrl+A+D    to end type "exit"
 1016  sh run
 1017  history
 1018  make
 1019  pwd
 1020  cd head
 1021  make
 1022  ls db
 1023  ls -l db
 1024  ls
 1025  vi ftdiApp/Db/Makefile
 1026  ls ftdiApp/Db/
 1027  vi ftdiApp/Db/ftdiCommon.db
 1028  make

I've updated the 'run' script a little to try to ensure that multiple copies don't get started.
To summarize: 
cd /usr/local/epics/ioc/siocftdi/
sh -x run

Or, to attach to a running IOC to check its console messages or terminate it:
cd /usr/local/epics/ioc/siocftdi/
sh -x attach
Then type 'exit'

Also, all console messages are logged in