For example, the company name could be entered for VHDL modules and VHDL TBs in the following files.
C:\xilinx\13.1\ISE_DS\ISE\data\projnav\scripts\dpm_sourceTasks.Tcl, line 713 – VHDL Module
C:\xilinx\13.1\ISE_DS\ISE\data\testbnch2.tcl – VHDL Testbench
I modified my file like this: (however i had some issues later and it wasn't doing anything, just creating blank files, If you have a solution for this please let me know, if not try this under your own risk.)
C:\xilinx\13.1\ISE_DS\ISE\data\testbnch2.tcl – VHDL Testbench
I modified my file like this: (however i had some issues later and it wasn't doing anything, just creating blank files, If you have a solution for this please let me know, if not try this under your own risk.)
set _t [clock seconds]
set _ts [clock format $_t -format "%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%Y"]
set _date_stamp [clock -format "%m/%d/%Y"]
global xilinx::Dpm::INewSourceHdlDataID
set _iHdlData [$iNewSourceComp GetInterface $INewSourceHdlDataID]
if { $_iHdlData == 0 } {
return [dpm_Fail "interface passed to Create New Source code hook is invalid."]
set _entityName ""
dpm_returnOnFail { $_iHdlData GetEntityName _entityName }
set _archName ""
dpm_returnOnFail { $_iHdlData GetModuleName _archName }
dpm_Debug 11 "architecture returned is $_archName"
set _portIter 0
$_iHdlData GetPorts _portIter
puts $hFile "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts $hFile "-- Company: LBNL"
puts $hFile "-- Engineer: Luis Ardila (leardilap@******** - leardilap@********)"
puts $hFile "-- "
puts $hFile "-- Create Date: $_ts "
puts $hFile "-- Design Name: "
puts $hFile "-- Module Name: $_entityName - $_archName "
puts $hFile "-- Project Name: "
puts $hFile "-- Target Devices: "
puts $hFile "-- Tool versions: "
puts $hFile "-- Description: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "-- Dependencies: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "-- Revision: "
puts $hFile "-- Date Version Author Description"
puts $hFile "-- $_date_stamp 1.0 Luis Ardila File Created"
puts $hFile "-- Additional Comments: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts $hFile "LIBRARY IEEE;"
puts $hFile "USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;"
set _ts [clock format $_t -format "%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%Y"]
set _date_stamp [clock -format "%m/%d/%Y"]
global xilinx::Dpm::INewSourceHdlDataID
set _iHdlData [$iNewSourceComp GetInterface $INewSourceHdlDataID]
if { $_iHdlData == 0 } {
return [dpm_Fail "interface passed to Create New Source code hook is invalid."]
set _entityName ""
dpm_returnOnFail { $_iHdlData GetEntityName _entityName }
set _archName ""
dpm_returnOnFail { $_iHdlData GetModuleName _archName }
dpm_Debug 11 "architecture returned is $_archName"
set _portIter 0
$_iHdlData GetPorts _portIter
puts $hFile "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts $hFile "-- Company: LBNL"
puts $hFile "-- Engineer: Luis Ardila (leardilap@******** - leardilap@********)"
puts $hFile "-- "
puts $hFile "-- Create Date: $_ts "
puts $hFile "-- Design Name: "
puts $hFile "-- Module Name: $_entityName - $_archName "
puts $hFile "-- Project Name: "
puts $hFile "-- Target Devices: "
puts $hFile "-- Tool versions: "
puts $hFile "-- Description: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "-- Dependencies: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "-- Revision: "
puts $hFile "-- Date Version Author Description"
puts $hFile "-- $_date_stamp 1.0 Luis Ardila File Created"
puts $hFile "-- Additional Comments: "
puts $hFile "--"
puts $hFile "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts $hFile "LIBRARY IEEE;"
puts $hFile "USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;"